Sunday, 30 September 2012

Fancy Dress Ball on Roller Skates c.1910s

I would love to know who these people are; where this was taken; when it was taken (though I am guessing a date of c.1910-1920) and whether everyone was wearing roller skates or just the people in the front rows.  The costumes and decorations are fantastic.  I wondered if the event is not a ball, but a theatrical production of some kind, which still doesn't make the role of the roller skates any clearer.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

"A Girl of Galway" Book Cover and Spine Art

One of the more ornate inlaid book covers in my collection...
...and the very nice spine.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Monsieur Bruyneel: Tall, Dark and Handsome

Note the very smart apparel, tall starched collar and impeccably waxed moustache.  From my translation attempt, the message reads:
"To these charming Misses Stephen.  A keepsake of their welcome.  Compliment to their heart of gold.
L Bruyneel.  Brussels 15 October 1908
5 rue Jourdan (Porte Louise)"

Alternative translation suggestions and alternatives to the surname welcome :)

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

"Stanelli" the Famous Child Musician

"Stanelli" (real name Edward de Groot b.1896, Dublin; d.1961) had a successful career as a musician and comedian into adulthood.  This is a postcard (c.1905) which I think may have been sold at one of Stanelli's concerts.  Sent to Mrs Waddelow, 119 Newmarket Road, Cambridge:
"Dr Mother,
Went to hear Stanelli last night on the Pier.  His playing is beautiful.  He is only 9 years old.  Glorious weather.  Yours Tom."

Monday, 24 September 2012

Lithuanian Harvest in the 1920s

I don't know where in Lithuania these photos were taken or who is the author of the information written on the back.  I estimate that they date from the 1920s.

On the reverse is written: "Reaping the harvest,  At this time they rise at 4.30.  Cousin Anthony 3rd from right.  Head gear is protection from the sun."

"Mostly unaware this photograph was being taken.  The tailor seems the only one to notice.  Note the extent of the farm house, the duck and farm implement.  Farm one of biggest in Lithuania.  They bought a new device to separate the cream from the milk.  The milk goes to the pigs and the cream is made into cheese."

"Close up of Uncle Wincas and grandchildren.  Note the tailor drinking his beer note the look on the face of the little girl to the left of Uncle Wincas."

Friday, 21 September 2012

Two Bathers and Bathing Machine

Estimated date c.1910-1920.  On the reverse is written: "This is us, we had just finished bathing, still a bit wet.  G & P."

Perhaps G and P - who have not let being at the beach get in the way of looking glamorous - were posing in front of the bathing machine they had just used for changing. 

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Rich Chinese Lady With Bound Feet

Whether the lady pictured is actually rich or playing a part in front of that painted backdrop, her feet are the most interesting detail for me, as they are obviously "bound", tiny "lotus feet". Posted in 1906 to Pte. S. Evans, Govt. Tele. Office, Belgaum, India - also postmarked "Belgaum".

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

"Daily Telegraph" Personal Column, Jan. 27th 1943

Of especial interest in the first section (and giving an insight into contemporary life and events) are the P.O.W. reports at the top; the collection for the voluntary hospitals and the quick availablility of Officer's uniforms from Alkit.  I do also wonder why Mrs Charles Cubitt wanted to contact Mrs Dorothy Crosby, former cook at Fangfoss Hall.

Ash trays and ping-pong balls needed for convalescent servicemen overseas; Aspreys offer to purchase unwanted gold jewellery and Jackamans, unwanted furniture; among the selling points of the Howard Hotel on The Strand are a cocktail bar and an air-raid shelter; a young widow desires interesting work..

Craven "A" Cigarettes Advert

From The Daily Telegraph, Wednesday, January 27th, 1943.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Fur and Feather

She has certainly succeeded in showing off her new(?) hat and muff.  Postcard posted in 1910 from Leek in Staffordshire, sent to Mrs Frost, 44 Leek Road, Milton, Staffs.
The message reads:

"Dear Sister
Me and Annie will come on Sunday if the wether (sic) is anything like hoping you are well from Bell"